when i went to the bathroom this morning, i hit my head on the doorknob as i was sitting down. i was smoking a cigarette, which did not get knocked into anything for once, but i have already burned my inner thigh and on another occasion bumped my elbow and dropped one and almost burned a hole in my skinny jeans.
so let's see ....
so monday was my birthday, and i skated down the hill to jp's and we kicked it for a sec and then everyone remembered it was my brithday and gave me some stuff like some CDs and a key necklace (the game is to be sold and not told, sorry for a lack of explanation on that one) and then we went to the crev to record some Viva Geneva madness .... a project that is mostly gino and jp doing these deep synth/guitar based tracks, eventually i will get in the mix on some vox and maybe some keys .....
(this post is going to be all over the place .... sorry)
so here is some art jp did .... and some pics of the various rooms ..... (we are down in the catacombs, 2 levels underneath where i am staying .... you will notice a lack of flash in certain pictures [not so much of the big rooms, but more specific shots] they might be a little more blurry, but you need to understand the weird lighting and such .....)
so check all these different rooms out .... this is the Gran Lux theater we are at (where i am crashing) and they got all this crazy shit going on ... they show old movies and have parties and have all types of artists doing all kinds of various work down there .....
there is so much more .... but uploading these pics seems to take forever. plus, it goes even deeper than this but we have not gone down there yet for fear of Cthulu eating us. but here is the "mysterious room full of sand" i have mentioned to a few of you ....
k, so, like i said, Viva Geneva is jamming .... and i bought a 10 pack of some beers and we are sippin .... they have this great warning label, but it was too small for me to get a photo, but it is essentially a silhouette (sp?) of a pregnant chick drinking a brew with the red circle around it with a line through it, you know what i mean .... pretty funny.
here is jp in the "lounge" outside the practice space, stringing up the Fender ....
and the space itself ... hella moldy and such .... if you know me, you know i am scared to sit anywhere or touch anything .... when i was recording the other day my wrist touched a curtain or something and got all itchy .... gino said he left his headphones down there for a while and they were WHITE when he got them and that his ears itched for a while after that when he used them. FUCK THAT!!!!! i didn't let any of my gear touch anything ..... gettin all Howie Mandel on that shit ....
best band name ever:
here's me going to take a piss:
so they jam and record while i am all high and buzzing and it sounds dope and then we leave to go back to jp's .... he takes the train cause his ankle is all fucked from a skating accident and gino and i cruise the streets ..... this footage is not very exciting from a skater's standpoint, but just to give you an idea of what cruising the block is like here ....
yeah, that was boring.
okay, taking a break .... will be back with part deux later.
j waves
a room full of sand, eh? you should make a sand castle.
or find a big ass cat to shit in it ....
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