Tuesday, September 16, 2008

day 1

there is a gang of shit in my notepad.

funny, good shit.

but my bag didn't make it.

the bag with ALL my shit.

all my camera shit ....

my skateboard ....

my clothes .....

my toothbrush ....

the phone charger for the phone i am using .....

it is COLD here.

i am wearing one of gino's longsleeves over a lumberjack button up over one of the few existing DIAMOND STUDS t-shirts ....

i will probably wear one of jp's sweaters tonite to sleep....

k, me and gino are about to stroll the block ....

i will catch all y'all up soon.


Unknown said...

dude hope you get the bag back.

a metaphor put into action...

Anonymous said...

nįčē þŀōg ů ħåvē