Wednesday, July 13, 2011

cover girl

well, me and my golden mistress have hit the big time. after contacting various publications and news programs about our golden offspring and how we plan to raise him together as an intermineral couple, we finally got a bite from FEED Magazine. they wrote a great story on me as Juan Huevos, as well as documenting our struggle, from the incessant shouts of "Goldfinger sucks!" and "Goldie lover!" and "How's the porridge?!?" to the constant stares to all the money we spend on polishes and rags to keep her and our baby shiny ... it's been tough. really, really tough.

read the article:

Sunday, July 10, 2011

re: my new album

well, it only took almost 2 years for me to have a proper release since i dropped Treasure Bath in October of 2009.

i have some things i want to say about that time period of my life and how it directly relates to this record, but i think i just won't.

i didn't set out to make a (mostly) non-rap record with Stoic And Cowboyesque, but as the songs came about, i wanted it to be that way. "Swatch Watch" was a last-minute replacement for a rap cover of The Beautiful Ones that i produced myself and was mildly proud of.

i had originally wanted to name the EP Single White Male but after my friend Hannah described the staring-deeply-into-a-houseplant-while-i-stand-up-and-drink-beer-solo-at-a-bar style that i was sporting one evening, i knew had something better to call it.

"Low Low" was actually started in 2008, but finished just recently since i was finally able to figure out what direction to take the vocals after re-visiting it and fleshing out the production more.

i wish i would have had Shane Hartman do more on the record, but all he did was play bass on "Door Test". Nick Petersen mastered the album, and helped preserve the heat that gets lost between my 8-track and my computer, as well as bringing out the low end and fuzz that helps distinguish these songs from a lot of my other music.

is the crew, Grip Tapes is the label, The Locker Room is the crib, and J Waves is the alter ego. can i get an amen?

i could say more, but why?

download this bitch ---> Stoic And Cowboyesque - it's free. duh.